IT DOESN’T MEANS IT IS SUCCESSFUL… it may be just surviving.


“If you want to increase your bank balance, you have to give treats to your customers”.

If you don’t agree then your funnel is leaking.

I understand, that sometimes after a lot of effort you still end up with very less or no sales.

I also understand your pain because I too handle sales.
The wavy lines of slight rise and fall on the graph are normal.

But never be lying to yourself.

A flat line in Business or life reflects that you are JUST SURVIVING.
Make it THRIVING, every day.

You should be clear whether you need a fevicol or fevi kwik to fix the leakage.
Somewhere these can be supplementary but when you know where which one is complementary, only then you can get the solution.

Are you struggling in generating enough leads?
Are you in a crisis of converting your leads?
anything else.
Every problem has its solution, like:

*Don’t be in hurry always. First teach your customer, do outreaching of your product to make your customer know about the benefits for buying your products.

*Once a purchase is done, don’t forget your older customer. Come up with very special offers for older customer lists and few great deals for newer ones also.

Your target should always be to make the narrow tip as wide as you can. (having hot leads)

*Entrepreneurs who reject the changing demands to grow their business, have to set up their game.

Accept the changing demand and supply chain.

And DON’T LEAVE IT HERE, there’s a bit more.

*REAL BOSS works on the principle of “DELEGATION OF WORK”.
Use your energy in planning and deciding things, and let your team to implement it.

I will see you again when you have problems for me to solve.

Because as you grow, you have different problems and want new solutions.

This is where I come into the picture.
